İbrahim Arif

İbrahim Arif (ERARGE) is a Senior R&D Software Engineer at ERARGE since 2018. He received his B.SC from Marmara University Computer Engineering Department in 2017. His work is focused on Semantic Web, Back-end Development, Cloud Integration, and 2D/3D Visualization. He has a distinguished expertise in developing a cloud-integrated semantic framework that considers relations between different ontologies such as PdM, SSN/SOSA, CityGML, IFC, and ENISA. This framework aims to provide advanced inferences via complex queries, with results presented using 2D and 3D visualization techniques. İbrahim has been involved in national and international projects, i.e., Critical-Chains, Safety4Rails, Valu3s in Horizon 2020, ESCALATE, OPEVA, TEAMING in Horizon Europe, TioCPS, BIMy, C3PO in EUREKA-ITEA. He has published 8 papers in smart and secure cyber-physical system and their applications in various fields of smart cities, automotive, smart buildings and Industry 4.0.