S. Tanrıseven

Sercan Tanrıseven ( ERARGE ) is a Senior Electronics Hardware Design Engineer at ERARGE. He received his bachelor’s degree in 2014 and his master’s degree in 2017, in Electronics Engineering both from Yıldız Technical University. Since 2016, he has been responsible for hardware development projects at ERARGE. For the past two years, he has specialized in developing automotive cybersecurity hardware and has been actively involved in projects related to ISO26262 and ISO21434 compliance and Common Criteria Evaluation. He ahs published 11 papers in top conferences in related fields of smart and cyber physical systems. He has actively participated in national and international projects of ERARGE, i.e., Critical-Chains, Safety4Rails, Valu3s in Horizon 2020, ESCALATE, OPEVA, TEAMING in Horizon Europe, TioCPS in Eureka-ITEA and TUBITAK-TEYDEB national projects.